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Exercise 4 - Exclusive Gateways

DSF-TeamAbout 2 min

Prerequisites | Exercise 1 | Exercise 1.1 | Exercise 2 | Exercise 3 | Exercise 4 | Exercise 5

Exercise 4 - Exclusive Gateways

Different execution paths in a process based on the state of process variables can be achieved using Exclusive Gateways. In Exercise 4 we will examine how this can be implemented by modifying the highmedorg_helloDic process.


Exclusive Gateways

Different sequence flows during the execution of a process instance can be modeled using BPMN Exclusive Gatewaysopen in new window. For each outgoing sequence flow of the gateway, a BPMN Condition Expressionopen in new window can be added to the process model, deciding whether a sequence flow should be followed. Thereby, all condition decisions must be in an XOR relationship to each other.

Condition Expressions

A BPMN Condition Expressionopen in new window uses the ${..} notation. Within the curly braces all execution variables of a process instance can be accessed, e.g. the ones that were stored in a previous Java implementation of a BPMN ServiceTaskopen in new window. For example, the BPMN Condition Expressionopen in new window ${cohortSize > 100} checks whether the value in the execution variable cohortSize is greater than 100.

Storing / Modifying Process Variables

Via the DelegateExecution execution parameter of the doExecute method of a class extending AbstractServiceDelegate, we can write and read process variables of the current process instance. The following code listing show how to write and read a boolean variable:

	execution.setVariable("variable-name", Variables.booleanValue(false));
	boolean variable = (boolean) execution.getVariable("variable-name");

For more details on process variables see the Camunda documentationopen in new window.

Exercise Tasks

  1. In the HelloDic class, write an algorithm deciding based on the "leading" Task's input parameter tutorial-input, whether the highmedorg_helloCos process should be started.
  2. Add a boolean variable to the process instance execution variables storing the decision.
  3. Add an exclusive gateway to the highmedorg_helloDic process model and two outgoing sequence flows - the first starting process highmedorg_helloDic, the second stopping process highmedorg_helloDic without starting process highmedorg_helloCos.
  4. Add a condition expressions to each outgoing sequence flow based on the previously stored execution variable.

Solution Verification

Maven Build and Automated Tests

Execute a maven build of the dsf-process-tutorial parent module via:

mvn clean install -Pexercise-4

Verify that the build was successful and no test failures occurred.

Process Execution and Manual Tests

To verify the highmedorg_helloDic and highmedorg_helloCos processes can be executed successfully, we need to deploy them into DSF instances and execute the highmedorg_helloDic process. The maven install build is configured to create a process jar file with all necessary resources and copy the jar to the appropriate locations of the docker test setup.

  1. Start the DSF FHIR server for the Test_DIC organization in a console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/test-setup:
docker-compose up dic-fhir

Verify the DSF FHIR server started successfully.

  1. Start the DSF BPE server for the Test_DIC organization in a second console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/test-setup:
docker-compose up cos-fhir

Verify the DSF FHIR server started successfully.

  1. Start the DSF BPE server for the Test_COS organization in a fourth console at location .../dsf-process-tutorial/test-setup:
docker-compose up cos-bpe

Verify the DSF BPE server started successfully and deployed the highmedorg_helloCos process.

  1. Start the highmedorg_helloDic process by posting a specific FHIR Taskopen in new window resource to the DSF FHIR server of the Test_DIC organization: Execute therefore the main method of the org.highmed.dsf.process.tutorial.TutorialExampleStarter class to create the Taskopen in new window resource needed to start the highmedorg_helloDic process.

Verify that the highmedorg_helloDic process was executed successfully by the Test_DIC DSF BPE server and possibly the highmedorg_helloCos process by the Test_COS DSF BPE server, depending on whether decision of your algorithm based on the input parameter allowed to start the highmedorg_helloDic process.

Continue with exercise 5

Prerequisites | Exercise 1 | Exercise 1.1 | Exercise 2 | Exercise 3 | Exercise 4 | Exercise 5

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