Network University Medicine
The Network University Medicine was established in April 2020 as part of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis management. The aim of the NUM is to better coordinate COVID-19 research at all 36 university hospitals in Germany.'

As part of the CODEX | COVID-19 Data Exchange Platform project, a nationwide, uniform, privacy-compliant infrastructure for storing and providing COVID-19 research datasets was established. Since 2022, the work continues within the project NUM RDP. All 36 university hospitals have installed the DSF to share Covid-19 research data.
The Data Transfer Process
The Data Transfer Process is used in NUM CODEX to send data from a Data Integration Center (DIC), via the Gecco Transfer Hub (GTH), to the Central Research Repository (CRR). The infrastructure and communincation messages on which the process is based can be seen in the following figure. All organizations use the Data Sharing Framework (DSF) for deployment and execution of the process.

More technical information can be found on GitHub.