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Upgrade from DSF 1.x

DSF-TeamAbout 1 min

Upgrading the DSF from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 involves modifying the docker-compose.yml files and recreating the containers.

Upgrade from 0.9.x

If you want to migrate from DSF 0.9.x, please follow these instructions.

Modify DSF FHIR Server Setup

  1. Preparation / Backup

    • We recommend to create a backup of the /opt/fhir directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
      For example using: sudo cp -rp /opt/fhir /opt/fhir_backup_pre_1.1.0_upgrade
  2. Modify the DSF FHIR docker-compose.yml file, replace the version number with 1.1.0

version: '3.8'
-   image:
+   image:
    restart: on-failure
-   image:
+   image:
    restart: on-failure
  1. Upgrade the DSF FHIR containers
    From /opt/fhir execute
    docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f

Modify DSF BPE Server Setup

  1. Preparation / Backup

    • We recommend to create a backup of the /opt/bpe directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
      For example using: sudo cp -rp /opt/bpe /opt/bpe_backup_pre_1.1.0_upgrade
  2. Modify the DSF BPE docker-compose.yml file, replace the version number with 1.1.0

version: '3.8'
-   image:
+   image:
    restart: on-failure
  1. Upgrade the DSF BPE containers
    From /opt/bpe execute

    docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
  2. Verify your upgrade:

    • Verify the DSF FHIR server is running in version 1.1.0. The log should contain a message:
      INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-fhir-server-jetty, version: 1.1.0, [...]
    • Verify the DSF FHIR server started without errors
    • Verify the DSF FHIR server is accessible via https, for example by browsing to in new window (authentication with your client-certificate)
    • Verify the DSF BPE server is running in version 1.1.0. The log should contain a message:
      INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-bpe-server-jetty, version: 1.1.0, [...]
    • Verify the DSF BPE server started without errors
    • Verify your install with a ping/pong test
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