Upgrade from DSF 1.6.0
Upgrading the DSF from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 involves modifying the docker-compose.yml files and recreating the containers. In addition a number of docker secrets and environment variables can be removed if the newly introduced default values are sufficient. The now integrated defaults for trusted certificate authorities include updated configuration for the new certificate authority HARICA used by DFN e.V. and GÉANT TCS. See the Default Root Certificates page for more details and to learn how to configure overrides.
Note: The configurations of trust stores for TLS connections managed by process plugins (for example HTTPS connections to the local KDS FHIR server) have not been modified with this release.
Modify DSF FHIR Server Setup
Preparation / Backup
- We recommend to create a backup of the
directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
For example using:sudo cp -rp /opt/fhir /opt/fhir_backup_pre_1.7.0_upgrade
- We recommend to create a backup of the
Modify the DSF FHIR docker-compose.yml file, replace the version number with 1.7.0 and remove not needed secrets and environment variables.
version: '3.8'
- image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/fhir_proxy:1.6.0
+ image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/fhir_proxy:1.7.0
restart: on-failure
- ssl_certificate_file.pem
- ssl_certificate_key_file.pem
- ssl_certificate_chain_file.pem
- - ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
- - ssl_ca_dn_request_file.pem
SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE: /run/secrets/ssl_certificate_file.pem
SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE: /run/secrets/ssl_certificate_key_file.pem
SSL_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_FILE: /run/secrets/ssl_certificate_chain_file.pem
- SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE: /run/secrets/ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
- SSL_CA_DN_REQUEST_FILE: /run/secrets/ssl_ca_dn_request_file.pem
- image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/fhir:1.6.0
+ image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/fhir:1.7.0
restart: on-failure
- db_liquibase.password
- db_user.password
- db_user_permanent_delete.password
- - app_client_trust_certificates.pem
- app_client_certificate.pem
- app_client_certificate_private_key.pem
- app_client_certificate_private_key.pem.password
- - ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
TZ: Europe/Berlin
- DEV_DSF_SERVER_AUTH_TRUST_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_CAS: /run/secrets/ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
DEV_DSF_FHIR_DB_LIQUIBASE_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_liquibase.password
DEV_DSF_FHIR_DB_USER_PERMANENT_DELETE_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_user_permanent_delete.password
- DEV_DSF_FHIR_CLIENT_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_CAS: /run/secrets/app_client_trust_certificates.pem
DEV_DSF_FHIR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE: /run/secrets/app_client_certificate.pem
- ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem:
- file: ./secrets/ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
- ssl_ca_dn_request_file.pem:
- file: ./secrets/ssl_ca_dn_request_file.pem
- app_client_trust_certificates.pem:
- file: ./secrets/ssl_root_ca_certificate_file.pem
- Upgrade the DSF FHIR containers
executedocker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
Modify DSF BPE Server Setup
Preparation / Backup
- We recommend to create a backup of the
directory before proceeding with the upgrade.
For example using:sudo cp -rp /opt/bpe /opt/bpe_backup_pre_1.7.0_upgrade
- We recommend to create a backup of the
Modify the DSF BPE docker-compose.yml file, replace the version number with 1.7.0 and remove not needed secrets and environment variables.
version: '3.8'
- image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/bpe:1.6.0
+ image: ghcr.io/datasharingframework/bpe:1.7.0
restart: on-failure
- db_liquibase.password
- db_user.password
- db_user_camunda.password
- - app_client_trust_certificates.pem
- app_client_certificate.pem
- app_client_certificate_private_key.pem
- app_client_certificate_private_key.pem.password
- - ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
TZ: Europe/Berlin
- DEV_DSF_SERVER_AUTH_TRUST_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_CAS: /run/secrets/ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
DEV_DSF_BPE_DB_LIQUIBASE_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_liquibase.password
DEV_DSF_BPE_DB_USER_CAMUNDA_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_user_camunda.password
- DEV_DSF_BPE_FHIR_CLIENT_TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_CAS: /run/secrets/app_client_trust_certificates.pem
DEV_DSF_BPE_FHIR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE: /run/secrets/app_client_certificate.pem
- app_client_trust_certificates.pem:
- file: ./secrets/ssl_root_ca_certificate_file.pem
- ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem:
- file: ./secrets/ssl_ca_certificate_file.pem
Upgrade the DSF BPE containers
executedocker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
Verify your upgrade:
- Verify the DSF FHIR server is running in version 1.7.0. The log should contain a message:
INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-fhir-server-jetty, version: 1.7.0, [...]
- Verify the DSF FHIR server started without errors
- Verify the DSF FHIR server is accessible via https, for example by browsing to https://your-dsf-endpoint.de/fhir/ (authentication with your client-certificate)
- Verify the DSF BPE server is running in version 1.7.0. The log should contain a message:
INFO main - BuildInfoReaderImpl.logBuildInfo(137) | Artifact: dsf-bpe-server-jetty, version: 1.7.0, [...]
- Verify the DSF BPE server started without errors
- Verify your install with a ping/pong test
- Verify the DSF FHIR server is running in version 1.7.0. The log should contain a message: